3 Things You Should Look For in a Translation Agency
Whether you need to translate your next marketing campaign or a corporate financial document, having the right translation team on your side can make all the difference in achieving a successful outcome. So which factors should you look for when trying to find a translation agency in Montreal? The following attributes will help you identify a quality team that will deliver correct translations to help you get the results you need.
1. Certifications & Credentials
As with other industries, translators have credentials and certifications that indicate they are able to provide high-quality translations and appropriately managing each project for their clients. The ISO 17100 is a certification standard recognized around the world, and is used globally to prove a company’s ability to provide quality service. To achieve this certification, agencies must undergo an initial assessment, after which the agency will be remotely audited every six months and subjected to yearly on-site visits.
In addition to this international certification, Canada also has its own certification for translation companies. Canada’s certification process is based on procedural requirements and standards agreed upon by the AILIA and the Canadian government, as well as other educators and professional associations. By choosing a company that has these certifications, you can have much greater confidence in the results of your project.
2. An Experienced Team
Though company-level certifications are important, the individual people you work with during the translation work are the ones who will ultimately have the biggest impact on whether you achieve quality outcomes.
As such, it’s always a good idea to learn more about the individuals who would be involved with your translation projects. Company executives should bring extensive industry experience, while also holding proper certifications themselves. The company should use a vigorous vetting process for hiring and training its translators.
A key indicator of a quality translation provider is its use of local, native speakers. French isn’t the same in Canada and Belgium. Portuguese isn’t the same in Brazil and Cape Verde. The best organizations use teams of native translators from around the world. This way, you don’t just get translations that are grammatically correct – you also get results that account for the cultural and linguistic differences that are likely to be found in the individual markets you are trying to reach.
3. Client Testimonials
As with any other business, few things have quite the impact on a buying decision as testimonials from other customers. Even with the right certifications and an allegedly experienced team, a translation company’s reputation ultimately depends on the positive or negative results previous clients have experienced.
A company’s website is often a good place to start looking for client testimonials, but don’t be afraid to use Google, Yelp, or other similar services to get a better picture of the overall perception of a company. Don’t be afraid to ask for client references when your first make contact with a potential translation company, either. Quality providers should have no problem connecting you with a satisfied customer who can share more in-depth information about their experience.
Be on the lookout for translation providers who have serviced both large and small companies. This indicates a more flexible range of services, meaning they are more likely to be able to meet your unique translation needs.
Finding the Best Team
Finding a top-tier translation agency isn’t always easy. But as you prioritize the previously mentioned attributes during your search, you will be able to have greater confidence in your selection. More importantly, you’ll see the difference in your final results. Regardless of whether you’re trying to persuade new customers to buy your product or simply achieve compliance with a foreign regulator, superior translation work will have a lasting positive influence on your company’s bottom line.
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